Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Jackson’s talking and “motorboating” around!

Jackson is still “GI Joeing” all around but lately every move he makes he spits and sounds like a motorboat. Last night he GI Joed ALL OVER the place and motorboated every move he made- it was too funny!!!! He wore himself out! He also talked to Corona (awa awa- I guess for Chihuahua?) and Hershey by screaming at them as he just grinned and threw his hands in the air up and down and up and down. He GI Joes towards Corona and she always moves just enough to get out of his reach but never far away. Hershey still tries to lick him to death before she gives up and goes to lay down. Jackson is now showing us how NOT baby proof our house is. I had to grab a glass candlestick out of his hand last night from a shelf, grab a glass and silver salt and pepper shaker set that’s on the bottom shelf in our kitchen out of his hand, grab a cord out of his hand, my shoes, and my purse. He likes to eat the strap on my purse and he likes to try to eat my flipflops. (YUCK!)

Jackson LOVES his Ahdada (daddy) and is SO cute with him! He gets so excited when Ahdada gets home and GI Joes over to him and just cuddles on him and gurgles. Jackson also kisses!!!! He opens his mouth real wide sometimes and puts it up to your cheek and then keeps it there for a minute. He also hugs and it’s the sweetest thing ever- he just pulls whatever part of you is closest to him close to his body and squeezes it real tight.

Speaking of gurgling- a few weeks ago Jackson learned how to gurgle and sometimes he can only do it when he cries----- so he will cry on purpose to hear himself gurgle. He was doing this every night for a while after his bath as I was getting him ready for bed and it made me really sad even though I knew what he was doing. Ms. Tara told me one morning at Day care that he was real fussy the day before and nothing would soothe him. I asked if he was fussing in different tones and she said he was. I told her he was trying to gurgle. The next day she said I was right b/c he was doing it again. Thankfully he’s gotten out of that stage for the most part- he still remembers it sometimes and will start to cry to get a gurgle in but it’s not a nightly thing.

The new everyday thing is turning over when he’s being changed. Jackson DOES NOT want to stay on his back when you are changing his diaper. Even on his changing table with the contoured changing pad that goes up on each side- he still turns over! It is impossible to put a diaper on when the child is laying on his tummy!

Jackson has moved up to Infant 2 at daycare. He is now with Ms. Alisha but Ms. Tara is still right next to him. He has a large area that he can GI Joe around in and pull toys off the shelves and do whatever he wants.

He is starting to sort of wave and demonstrated this at Babies R Us on Saturday- he was waving to a customer and to a store clerk…. He was actually the hit of the store for a while- everyone was talking to him as they went by him. He’s doing it a little more waving each day. It’s really more like he sticks his arm out and moves his whole arm up and down just a little. Today when I was leaving daycare he tried to GI Joe after me. I had to pick him up and put him back on the mat next to a little girl that handed him a little book and he started looking at the book so I escaped. It’s going to get hard when he starts getting upset when I leave.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

That's so sweet and precious...I can't wait to see him again!