Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Getting so big so fast

Jackson plays the piano at Mimi and Papa’s. He plays a few cords and then eats the piano keys….. then he plays more and then eats the keys again.

When Jackson got the Tubes put in his ears last Monday, 07/09/07, they had little wagons and things at Children’s South to push the kids up and down the hallways in to take their minds off of things and keep them entertained. Jackson loved this little car that Mimi found so much that she had to order him one….


Jackson has continued having ear infections in both ears and the doctor said on a scale of 1-10 they were an 11. She had tried everything and finally said he needed to go see an ENT. We went to Dr. Shirley at Children’s South who said that Jackson definitely needed tubes in his ears and that he also wanted to do a nasaloscopy to see if Jackson may need his adenoids taken out. On the day of the surgery (07/09/07) Jackson had been coughing a lot and we learned about 2 weeks prior that he had been exposed to the Croup at daycare. The Anesthesiologist still okayed the tubes but would not okay the removal of Jackson’s adenoids if the doctor felt that was needed and said he would have to do that another time. Jackson did great during his surgery and the doctor said that his adenoids were a little swollen and he would have removed them but there is no emergency- we’ll just keep our eyes on them. Jackson did great the rest of the day and you wouldn’t have known he had anything done after the first hour or so- he was back to playing like normal and fighting sleep!

Jackson had is 9 month check-up on 06/26/07. He weighed 18 pounds and 11 ½ ounces. His length is 27 inches and his head circumference is 18 inches. He is doing well with everything and is VERY active- he DOES NOT like to sit still…. Unless he’s studying what others are doing. He grabs every instrument the doctor puts near him just to show her that he’s in charge, not her. He did pretty well with his shots, too.

Jackson is crawling 90% of the time in a “normal” crawl but still “GI Joes” occasionally. He pulls up to a standing position on EVERYTHING- even if it isn’t stable! He knocks everything down too! We have moved into our new house which is much more baby proof and he has a lot more room to crawl around. Jackson even has his own side of the house complete with his room and a playroom and a bathroom where he gets his baths in a real tub now (with his own little tub placed down in the real tub, of course). Jackson loves bath time and as soon as he hears the water running he wants to put his hands (and sometimes his head) under the faucet! If I’m drying him off and his daddy still has the faucet on to rinse out the tub, Jackson tries to jump out of my arms to get back in the water! Jackson is still doing great with the dogs and loves petting them. He’s gotten used to Hershey’s kissing now and will stick his hand up for her to kiss it and then he’ll yank it away after one kiss and giggle and then stick it back to her face for another kiss. He tried to give Corona a kiss the other day and it was so cute but I just couldn’t let him b/c that open mouth was going straight for her back that sheds so easily- I could just see him with a mouthful of hair! He also tried to use her for a pillow one day- his pillow got up and walked off. He tries to get in the doggy bed with Hershey and has also tried to get in her crate several times when she wasn’t even in it! Jackson is eating baby food much better and has started the meats- he loves ham and applesauce. We gave him some rice and shredded chicken the other night from our dinner and he seemed to really like it- but when I put it on his tray for him to eat himself- he only played with it and didn’t get the concept of putting it in his mouth. Jackson still hasn’t really figured out the sippy cup yet but he’s getting there. It’s probably close to time to start using that more and weening him off the bottle------- is mommy ready for that? I don’t think so.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

I'm so glad the surgery went well and that is behind you now! He's just precious!