Sunday, August 19, 2007

We had a major scare Sunday night.

After we got home from Mimi and Papa’s Jackson was on the couch watching the fish in the aquarium. He was on his knees on the cushion of the couch and leaning against the arm of the couch so he could touch the glass of the aquarium with his hands. He does this all the time. I was sitting right next to him and had his foot in my hand. Well, Jackson got excited at one point over the fish and went to sit back and when he did he turned his body and sat on the edge of the cushion and because there was no back, he just kept going and fell on the hardwood floor and hit his head pretty hard. It all happened so fast I couldn’t catch him. He cried for a few minutes and then fell asleep on my shoulder. This isn’t normal for Jackson- he fights naps and doesn’t sleep on your shoulder. This worried me but Wayne reasoned that he was just scared and tired and that’s why he was sleeping on me. After about 10 minutes Jackson sat up off of my shoulder and started throwing up a lot- not spit up but actual vomit. I knew something was wrong then and went to call the doctor while Wayne went to look up “concussion” on webmd. While I was waiting for the on-call nurse to call me back Jackson threw up more. The nurse called back and as she was saying if he had only thrown up 2 times just to watch him and if he had 3 he needed to go to the ER he threw up a 3rd time. At this point I had changed clothes twice, he was now wearing nothing but a diaper, and Wayne had called 911 and they had just arrived. They checked Jackson out and said they thought he was probably ok but that he needed to go to Children’s to be sure and needed to be transported by ambulance. So Jackson and I had our first (and hopefully last) ambulance ride and Wayne followed in the car. Grandparents met us there. Jackson had a CAT scan and they said everything looked fine. We were there several hours (thankfully coming in in an ambulance gets you in a room immediately because it was packed!). They said to let him sleep for a couple of hours and then wake him up and make sure he wakes up fine and then let him go back to sleep so we did when we got home. Jackson did okay but he wasn’t back to himself until yesterday- he wasn’t eating right and just wasn’t acting right. I think his neck hurt a little bit by the way he was acting. But all seemed like it was back to normal yesterday and this morning he was all smiles!!! Now I want to line our floors in mattresses and every time Jackson is on the couch I have both arms around his waist (which he doesn’t like). He keeps trying to stand without holding on to anything and rather than encouraging him I keep trying to distract him to get him to sit b/c I’m so scared of him falling again! I know he’s a boy and will get bumps and bruises and may even break some bones- but that was too much!!!!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Poor little guy! I know that had to be horrible for you! Thank God he is alright! Start buying the egg crates and foam squares to replace the hardwoods...and let me know where you found them! :)
I'm so glad he's all better!